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Why is timber a more sustainable building option?

Sustainability in the construction industry is more apparent than ever before, having a more conscious approach to the environment means carbon footprint is reduced, waste is minimised and more renewable resources are being used. 

There are a variety of materials that can be used for building, you may ask ‘why is timber a more sustainable building option than some other materials?’. Timber naturally isolates carbon from other elements, therefore storing carbon dioxide when it grows, reducing greenhouse gas levels. We look into more reasons why timber is a great sustainable choice for any build below.

Why is timber a great renewable resource? 

As we know trees are the main source of where timber comes from, they can be replanted and regrown making timber a renewable resource. When forests are managed sustainably, the trees are harvested in a way that allows new trees to grow in their place. By this natural process of the regeneration of timber, it means that an endless supply of timber is created, making it a fantastic renewable building material! 

Climate impact and Carbon Footprint

Timber is the perfect building material to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. This is due to trees having the ability to absorb carbon dioxide when they grow and it is stored within the wood. This means that when we use timber as a building material, the carbon that has been stored remains locked away for the lifetime of the structure, preventing carbon dioxide being released back into the atmosphere. Compared to other building materials in the construction industry, timber requires less energy to produce resulting in lower carbon emissions. 

Energy Efficiency and Insulation 

Timber is a great natural insulator, it has low thermal conductivity, meaning it doesn’t easily transfer heat. This is perfect for keeping your build cool in the summer and warm in the winter without using artificial heating and cooling systems, therefore lowering the amount of energy needed to be used. Using timber for your build means you are using a renewable resource and reducing the environmental impact too! 

Why the lifecycle of timber is more environmentally friendly than other building materials 

Timber is biodegradable as it can decompose naturally over time unlike synthetic building materials such as plastic, concrete and metal. This means that when timber comes to the end of its life cycle it can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way. Timber can often be recycled and reused from things like buildings and bridges to be repurposed to use for furniture and construction projects. Additionally, timber that isn’t suitable for reusing can be converted into biomass energy. 

Why timber stands out as a sustainable choice for your build

Timber is more sustainable than any other building materials because of its renewability, biodegradability and it requires less energy to be processed and produced, reducing its carbon footprint. There aren’t many building materials that offer the sustainable benefits that timber does; timber contributes to eco-friendly building practices and it has great long term environmental benefits. Overall, timber is a great choice if you’re wanting a strong yet sustainable option for your next build. 

If you’re interested in using timber frame construction for your next build, please contact us at Tweed Timber Frame.

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(+44) 01289 385818

    Tweed Timber Frame Ltd,
Unit 2 (plot 18) Windmill Way East, Ramparts Business Park,
Berwick upon tweed. TD15 1TQ.

Company Number: 14598774

Handcrafted With Care by:  DreamStorm Design